Halloween Art Contest: Dress Up Tetra!

In celebration of Halloween, the Epicurean Cure is hosting our first annual DRESS-UP-TETRA ART CONTEST!

Using whichever visual medium you prefer, depict Tetra (the EC’s octopus mascot) in a new trope-related Halloween costume (e.g. the damsel in distress, the squishy wizard, the time traveller)!



  1. Entries should be submitted to contest@epicureancure.com, no later than midnight on Halloween (Monday 31st October, GMT).
  2. In your email, be sure to include your name/nickname, email address, and the name of your trope (for trope inspiration, see tvtropes.org, or epicureancure.com/tropes/).
  3. Entries should be attached as a high-quality .jpg or .png file.
  4. You can submit as many entries as you like, but separate emails please!
  5. The winner will be chosen by us, and announced the week after Halloween (giving Tetra sufficient time to try on her new outfits).
  6. Your entry must be your own original work and not defame or breach any copyright.
  7. In submitting an entry, you give consent to its being published on epicureancure.com.
  8. You needn’t base your entry on an existing picture of Tetra – let your creativity show!

Our favourite entries will be published on www.epicureancure.com (on the relevant trope pages), and promoted on social media. In addition, one winner will be chosen to receive a selection of our recent best reads.

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