Transcending Tropes: And the winner is...

Hi lovelies,

We’re delighted to announce, after careful consideration, that the winner of our Transcending Tropes Microfiction Contest is Pen Tynan, with Universal Non-Translation – a story that manages to demonstrate just how absurd one trope is, while playing with another. A hearty congratulations!

The editors also picked three entries for special mention and display on the site:

  • Luca Saitta, The Consumptive Heroine (for a laugh-out-loud last line)
  • Tired & Tireder, Working Beauty (for playing with format and subverting expectations)
  • Mini Darth, The Mini Darth of Firetop Mountain (for its choose-your-own adventure format, that in fact gives you only one choice)

All four of these splendid creations will be posted in the coming days.

The winner will receive an assortment of Nine Worlds Geekfayre goodies, pictured below:

Picture of prizes (books, a t-shirt, and other bits

And our special mentions will receive limited edition Epicurean Cure contributor badges and stickers (we’re big fans of stickers here at the EC).

Thank you so much to everyone who contributed - we had some excellent entries. If you missed out on a prize this time, please don’t be discouraged: we’d love to see more of your creations in future.

Until then,

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